

新闻@雪 新闻@雪


Office of the President



这学期开了个好头,我很感激你们所做的工作 to support our students and one another.  这 time of year is especially busy in 我们办公室的立法会议正在如火如荼地进行,我们想让你随时了解最新情况 on what is happening at a state level.  We shared an overview of our requests during 我们最近的 市政厅会议,而我 presented the information to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee yesterday.  我邀请你观看 这些录音.  I also invite you to reach out to legislators and thank them for 他们的支持.  的y fund roughly 80 percent of our budget and are, therefore, our 最大的“捐赠.”  Our local legislators, 参议员欧文斯, 代表阿尔布雷特, 代表隆德和我们在国会的许多其他朋友一样,他们都在支持我们.  请表达 your appreciation to them – and hold on for the next 37 days!!  会议于 3月1日,我们将在下次市政厅会议上报道发生的事情.  计划 加入我们 for that meeting on Teams on Tuesday, March 12 at 12:30.

Ours is an easy story to tell because of you and our students.  的 Cadence Choir opened the session 通过演唱三个美丽的数字,并邀请了一个弦乐四重奏演出 at the Senate President’s Dinner next week.  When others personally experience what we do here, they too can see the good that is happening.  Thank you for your daily contributions to the 雪的大学 story.



Finance and Administrative Services

Finance and Administrative Services

的 Finance and Administrative Services team has been busy. As you’ve probably noticed, 最近推出了许多新的程序/服务/增强功能. 如果你不知道在地图上哪里可以找到Chrome河或者Chrome河的类型 of animal is a Kuali, this update is for you.

Chrome River is our new pcard software. One of the big complaints we heard in the 过去是需要保留所有的收据一个月,因为你核对你的信用卡. 这个新软件与我们的银行系统集成,使它很容易调和 从任何地方. 你可以用手机拍下收据并上传 into your digital wallet. Supervisors can easily approve transactions from their phone. For training, please reach out to the Procurement office.

Kuali is our paperless forms platform. Think of this like Docusign. 表单可以很容易地 created and routed for approval. When you get a notification from Kuali, it could be for any number of things (vehicle request, budget transaction, etc.). 你有 一个仪表板来跟踪你的行动列表或检查你的项目的状态. 这 is a helpful bookmark to keep.

Technical Education and Industry Connections

Technical Education and Industry Connections

在接下来的几个月里,斯诺的技术教育新闻将以技术教育为特色 程序.  柴油技术是里奇菲尔德的一个基础项目 自20世纪70年代以来一直作为塞维尔谷技术教育中心项目存在. 该项目是一项经过认证的“接二连三”的培训和认证项目 by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE).  

Diesel Technology is vital to our economy and way of life. 学生 earn a certificate of Diesel Technology which is stackable into an A.A.S. 柴油技术. 学生 有发动机、刹车、悬架/转向等课程的实践经验; 液压,传动/传动系统,电气/电子系统,燃料/排放 系统,供暖/空调,并完成所有的技能课程 需要通过汽车卓越服务(ASE)考试,成为一名有执照的柴油司机 技术员.  完成该项目的学生在诸如 卡特彼勒,肯沃斯,白色卡车,还有很多当地的重型柴油商店,包括 UDOT. 一名学生以每小时30到35美元的全额学费起步并不罕见 好处. 感谢我们的柴油技术新教员Jay Moosman, 还有Richard Ivory,他过去几年都是兼职的 现在是全职.  

Diesel Technology at 雪的大学
Diesel Technology at 雪的大学
Diesel Technology at 雪的大学


我们的第一个年度捐赠日非常成功,捐款超过15,000美元 great work by our advancement office led by Cameron Brooks.

里奇菲尔德的住房继续扩大,有更多的床位可供选择 made as to how many we will be able to fill. 这 has made a big impact on that campus as we continue to build in Richfield.

我们鼓励所有人报名参加所有人都可以使用的餐卡——这对你来说是件好事 中午吃饭. You can get 12 specials of the day for only $50. 新年快乐! To purchase a meal card, simply visit the cashier's office.



学生生活和领导力一直专注于增加领导力发展的机会. 在卡登·伯奇的指导下,全国协会的PG电子官方免费下载分会 of Leadership and Success (NSLS) is flourishing.
自从我们在2021年与NSLS合作以来,我们已经有531名成员加入了这个项目. 在过去的一年里,我们有大约150名成员加入,开始为入会而努力. 作为入会会员,他们有机会获得额外的奖学金,工作银行,信件 of recommendation and several other 好处. Over the past three semesters we've 稳步提高我们的入职率直到本学期我们达到了52%,这是 12% higher than the NSLS standard of success. 
我们的第二个领导力倡议是开始第一批领导力证书 由20名来自校园各个领导团队的大二学生组成. 队列 成员们正在通过额外的领导培训和经验,以及 承诺每学期超过50小时的课外领导工作. 成功完成认证的学生将获得认可 并将获得斯诺颁发的领导微证书 大学. 
第一类人正在为证书成为证书铺平道路 熟练,由犹他州高等教育系统认可,并有资格被认可 on a student's transcript. 



奥黛丽麦克尼尔 兼职剧院
娜塔莉·沃格尔 Part-Time Purchasing Specialist
泰德斯宾塞 兼职地质
乔尔·沃伦 兼职地质
曼迪特里 兼职的舞蹈
Rawlin Bagnall 兼职教育
特蕾莎修女奥尔雷德 兼职英语
鲍勃·康德 兼职剧院
乔治尾 Adjunct Physical Education Richfield Campus
莉莉不 急救 & CPR Richfield校区
雅各米奇 Maintenance Generalist Ephraim Campus
布伦特的胸襟 Civil Rights Investigator Ephraim Campus
埃里克·赖特 Grounds Technician Ephraim Campus
汉娜Ostraff Part-Time Advancement Administrative Assistant

的 following employees are working in new positions:

内特·布拉德利 校友 Relations Officer
艾米的胸襟 Accounts Payable Manager
Yisel吉梅内斯 会计工作PEOPLE员


新年快乐 from Student Success! We are excited about several initiatives that have been a priority for the past several semesters. We recently restructured the success coach positions into advisor positions. 这 will reduce advisor caseloads to near nationally recommended levels. 这 will also help us move toward a mandatory 建议的模型.

顾问们一直在努力工作,让每个学生都有一个学位教育计划 努力帮助实现每个学生都有一个“计划”的理想声明 为了未来”.

我们也看到了学生对大学日程安排工具的惊人使用. 学生 现在可以在几分钟内建立一个完整的,没有冲突的时间表吗 minimal input from an advisor. 这 enables advisors to build the plans that guide 学生注册. We had 4004 new users and 19,007 logins to scheduler in 2023!

We hope you have a great spring semester!



本月,大约有60名新员工完成了克利夫顿优势评估 我们中的100人最近聚集在一起,更多地了解我们独特的才能如何支持 我们的团队. 下个月,专业发展委员会将接待贾里德·威尔肯 of SUU to teach us the Importance of Play.

More than 25 staff were nominated for Employee of the Semester. Denise Tippets主席 她的委员会正在计划一个特别的活动,让所有的员工都可以加入以法莲或 在里奇菲尔德宣布并表彰获奖者,并享受美食和好伙伴. 

Join us February 13 when the Welcome & Events Committee hosts a staff Valentine's 两个校区的派对. It will be potluck lunch and Bingo in Richfield. 以法莲必 have potluck, bingo and skating.  

政府关系委员会会随时通知我们有关的最新消息 通过犹他州教育系统的电子邮件更新犹他州立法机构本届会议 tracking all the bills considered, passed and signed.
代表所有兼职和全职员工,查看我们的活动日期,委员会成员, 更多的是 雪.edu/staff. “Together we can do Snow much!”

员工协会午餐会 & 学习
员工协会 Laser Tag Activity

Marketing & 通信

We want to share your story! We know that many positive things are happening across campus—many of which are never noticed outside your department. 让我们帮你吹吧 你的角! Request a press release (PR) by using our new and improved marketing service request form. Not sure if your idea would qualify for a PR? Submit it, we will talk about how to best spread the news.

Here are just a few of the types of things we are looking for:

  • Student group travel/major field trips
  • Student/employee wins award
  • Student/employee has article published in major journal
  • 学生 present at conference
  • 社区 outreach events


Highlights from athletics include our team GPAs for fall semester. 排球 team led the group with an overall GPA of 3.8. 的 men’s basketball team was close 落后3分.7 GPA and a national ranking of number 5--the highest the team has been rated for several decades! Softball was third with a 3.6平均绩点. 每个队都做了一个 我们所有300多名运动员的平均成绩都达到了令人印象深刻的3分.3.
