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Course: TESL 1050

Division: Humanities
Department: Languages & Linguistics
Title: International Partners

Semester Approved: Summer 2023
Five-Year Review Semester: Spring 2028
End Semester: Spring 2029

Catalog Description: In this course students from different countries will be matched as partners to participate in cultural awareness activities. Students will respond to their experiences. Formerly TESL 1051 and TESL 1052.

Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 1; Lecture: 1; Lab: 0
Repeatable: Yes. Up to 4 credits

Prerequisites: N/A

Corequisites: N/A

Justification: As access to technology and travel progress, the world is becoming a smaller and smaller place. The opportunity to develop intercultural understanding and global awareness should be available to students at Snow College where the majority of students come from monocultural backgrounds. This course offers an excellent opportunity to build international awareness in a nurturing environment. This course is required for completion of the AA and AAS in Teaching English as a Second Language.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will increase their understanding of diversity, new cultures and ideas that are different from their own.  Students will participate in cultural activities and keep a reflective journal about their experiences.

Students will increase their awareness and respect for others' religious, political and social beliefs. Students will accomplish this through cultural activities, homework, quizzes, class discussions, tests and a reflection paper.

Students from different countries will be matched as partners for the duration of the course. Partners will participate in cultural activities such as sporting events, plays, movies, dances, recitals, concerts and political meetings that are approved by the instructor. Students will respond to these experiences by writing in a reflective journal. Students will demonstrate critical consideration of the experiences by addressing a variety of areas such as communication breakdown, cultural variations, learning experiences and cultural differences.

Key Performance Indicators:
At the instructor's discretion, the following criteria will be used for the purpose of assessment.

Class Discussions 10 to 20%

Homework 10 to 25%

Quizzes 10 to 25%

Tests 10 to 25%

Reflective Journal 25 to 50%

Reflection Paper 25 to 40%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
The Art of Crossing Cultures, by Craig Storti, current ed.

Exploring Culture, by Hofstede, Pederson, Hofstede, current ed.

Gestures, by Roger Axtell, current ed.

Pedagogy Statement:
Through discussion, experiential learning, inclusion, and reflection, students will learn the material while becoming globally aware. This course necessarily entails the development of perspective consciousness in relation to students' own cultural backgrounds (individual and collective identities; histories & stories; values & biases; etc.), and in regard to how these relate to those of others, including their classmates and various surrounding/local cultures. As such, mutually inclusive and critical reflection and discussion exercises toward such consciousness are to be emphasized.

Instructional Mediums:

Maximum Class Size: 20
Optimum Class Size: 20