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Course: TESL 1600

Division: Humanities
Department: Languages & Linguistics
Title: Language Learning Strategies

Semester Approved: Spring 2023
Five-Year Review Semester: Fall 2027
End Semester: Fall 2028

Catalog Description: This course will focus on the process of language learning, on building confidence in the language learning, and on developing strategies for successful language learning. Students in the course will find that successful language learning is possible for everyone and begin to create their own preferred pathways to proficiency.

Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 1; Lecture: 1; Lab: 0

Justification: This course will encourage and promote language study in general at Snow College. Students who wish to become language teachers will benefit from this course through increased knowledge of themselves as language learners and will be better assist their future students with the difficulties they encounter. This course is required for completion of the certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language. This course will most likely transfer as an elective credit.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will understand the language learning process.  Students will take quizzes, complete writing assignments, and take tests.

Students will develop a plan to create their own pathway to learn a new language, or continue learning a language they are already studying. Students will create a language learning plan that includes a step by step approach to language learning that uses the strategies learned throughout the course.

This course will include:
Building self-confidence in language learning
First and second language acquisition theory
Strategies for success
Learning styles
Understanding mistakes
Creating a learning plan
TESL theory and application are intrinsically and implicitly invested in the plurality of language learning communities and styles, and in engaging deliberately with diversity and difference in the language classroom.

Key Performance Indicators:
At the instructors discretion, the following criteria will be used for the purpose of assessment:

Writing Assignments 20 to 30%

Quizzes 15 to 25%

Tests 35 to 50%

Language Learning Plan 15 to 30%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Brown, "Breaking the Language Barrier," current edition.

Pedagogy Statement:
Through reading, quizzes, and reflection students will learn the material. Students will gain information on different ways learn to communicate and connect linguistically with people of other cultures through the language learning process.

Instructional Mediums:

Maximum Class Size: 20
Optimum Class Size: 15