

物业管理是财务总监办公室的一部分. 我们负责售后服务 processes associated with many of the physical goods acquired by the College.


  • 1月: 体育场 & 社会科学
  • 2月: 西校区
  • 3月: 商业建筑 & GSC
  • 4月: 露西菲利普斯 & 宿舍
  • 7月: 田生校园
  • 八月: 诺伊斯 & 亨茨曼库
  • 9月: 埃克尔斯
  • 10月: 设施
  • 11月: AC & 教育及家庭研究
  • 12月: 人文学科 & 科学大楼


Please contact Carlie Fowles (x7267) for any questions regarding audits, inventory 标签或任何资产转移或处置.




雪的大学 校园服务 剩余财产 Sales is to be used by all college departments 用于处置未使用的财产. 学院的设施和空间有限 用于操作和存储. 随着对所有大学空间的需求不断增加,这是势在必行的 that only equipment, materials and supplies of sufficient value be retained. 鉴于 this situation, all Vice Presidents, Deans, Department heads, Directors, Managers, and Project Leaders are encouraged to implement this practice of managing property 他们对此负有责任. 国家指导方针要求国有财产 shall not be destroyed, sold, transferred, discarded, donated or otherwise disposed of without first receiving authorization from the Department’s Head. 校园服务 剩余财产 Sales assures that state guidelines are followed and property is 妥善处理.


Any property owned by 雪的大学 that a department determines they are no longer using or technology has rendered obsolete is considered surplus property. 盈余 property incl乌兰s any item regardless of whether or not it has a college inventory number as long as the item is useable or can be made useable with a reasonable amount of effort or expense and/or has residual value or should be properly recycled. 一次 a decision is made to dispose of property, the top priority is to dispose of the surplus 项目,尽可能快. 这是在一个受控的方式与 prices on sale items set at levels low enough to move the goods, but sufficient to 直接支付自付处理费用. 只要有可能,物品就会被出售 价格设定是为了避免耗时的投标. 国家行政法规规定 surplus property will be disposed of at fair market value, unless the property is 由于某种原因不能销售的,必须打折才能出售. 选择属性 是否可以弃置、捐赠或作为废料出售.


Transfers, gifts, trades, and sales of properties between College departments may 由有关部门直接协商. 涉及部门间的交易 transfers of equipment, any items worth more than $3,000 must be reported by the transferring department to the Controller’s office so that office can update the college inventory 记录. 如果项目上有资产标签,您必须填写一个 设备跟踪表 把表格交给审计长办公室的卡莉·福尔斯.


提交盈余项目的部门必须填写一份 雪学院剩余财产表 然后发邮件到 乌兰.wons@sulprus. 如果项目上有资产标签,则必须填写 设备跟踪表 并将表格附在项目上. 那份表格会转交给卡莉·福尔斯 in the Controller’s office for removal of the item from your department’s assets.


All items will be inspected and evaluated when they are received by 校园服务. If the item is one that is frequently handled by 校园服务, such as a personal computer, 定价 will be done using past sales and current market conditions. 其他 items that are unique require more effort and communication to determine adequate 定价. 雪的大学 校园服务 reserves the right to assign a final asking 所有项目的价格. 如果物品被确定没有实质性的转售价值或 potential, 校园服务 may elect to scrap the items and process them as any other 回收物料或废物. 雪学院校园服务部保留减少收费的权利 the price of an item if it does not sell after a government (website) public sale. Items will be processed through recycling or waste management if not sold after 60 天.



The 公共盈余 website will be used to auction surplus items to the public. 奖 shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the auction instructions to the highest responsive and responsible bidder, provided that the price offered by such 采购代理接受投标人. 储备也可以放在财产上, 请在您的首字母中包含此信息 雪学院剩余财产表. In all cases items submitted to 雪的大学 校园服务 will be sold on an “现状”的基础. 卖方不承担或暗示任何保证. 鼓励买家 to inspect the items closely before submitting a bid and consider any items in “used” 而且是“现状”状态.

恕不退货或退款. PG电子官方免费下载保留拒绝任何申请的权利 bid or remove items from the sale at any time until title has transferred upon payment 并从PG电子官方免费下载搬走. 如果没有收到可接受的投标,则 校园服务 department may determine the method of disposal of the item, provided 这符合学院的最大利益.

Departments will be able to get credit for their sales for items over $20, less 10% 行政费用. 当要求出售的项目时,请包括预算号码 在完成时被记入 雪学院剩余财产表. Anything less than $20 will be credited to a surplus holding account.


On-site sales must be approved first, then advertised in the newspaper for at least 销售前十天. 现场销售期间提供的剩余物品将被取消 提前定价,先到先得. 校园服务部 may determine the method of disposal of items not sold during the on-site surplus 在符合学院最大利益的情况下出售.


Under no circumstances may college property be salvaged for the personal benefit of a 雪的大学 员工 or sold directly to a 雪的大学 员工 by a department, or sold to an off-campus purchaser where personal benefit is derived by a 雪的大学 员工. Violation of this prohibition will place the respective individual 员工 有受到纪律处分的危险.


Federally owned property, and/or property purchased with Federal Grants, is not to be sold or otherwise disposed of without the appropriate Federal Agency approval. Follow the Federal 奖ing Agency’s written instructions provided with the grant 奖励文件(见超级通告第200条).312). 如果没有处理文件 包括在赠款中,完成 补助金剩余限量设备表 在财务总监办公室网站的“表格”链接下找到. 特殊情况 such as the trade-in of equipment or questions of the title of property, see the Super 圆形§200.312和§200.313作为指导. 副本可以在助学金财务中找到 合规办公室.


  • 只可预约浏览拍卖项目. 
  • Bid Deposits: 雪的大学 may require bid deposits to ensure fairness to all buyers. 
  • 公共处理有限责任公司处理PG电子官方免费下载的所有付款. 
  • 可接受的付款方式有:电汇或信用卡. 
  • 不接受现金、支票或汇票! 
  • Payment for an awarded item must be received within five (5) business 天 after notice 中标标书的颁发. 
  • Buyers Premium: A Buyers Premium of 10% will be added to the final sale price with 每次拍卖收取1元的最低收费. 这种溢价将是可见的 并在投标过程中加到投标总额中. 
  • 所有的销售都是最终的. 物品按原样出售.“公共处理部门将通知买方 通过电子邮件接收付款. 
  • The successful bidder will be responsible for removal or pick-up of item(s) from Snow 大学的前提. Removal must occur within ten (10) business 天 after notification 中标标书的颁发. 获奖通知书、付款收据及个人 identification must be presented at the time of pick-up, or 雪的大学 will not 将项目释放给你. 
  • 取车时间只接受预约. 
  • The successful bidder will be responsible for the packing, loading and/or transporting 任何项目(如有需要)